Sunday, December 17, 2017

Days 27 & 28

First Weekend Back Home
   We're working towards some normalcy around the house. Life seems to still be moving at an unnatural rhythm, but we're focusing on mastering the everyday typical stuff (showering, meals, etc), to try to get back into the swing of things.

   Kindred Home Health came and did their initial assessments (nursing and physical therapy). Each activity needs a followup rest and/or nap, which is a healthy and necessary trade-off.
Wound nurse trying to stop a slight wound-vac leak.

Physical therapist assessing Bob's balance strength.

   We took a 15-minute walk down our cul-de-sac this morning. Bob's walking pace is half as fast as it used to be, which is perfect for me, since now he walks at the same speed I always have! He insisted on checking the mailbox; again, striving to get back to "normal" life. (You can really see his 35-pound weight loss in these photos: his clothes are literally hanging off him now)

This coming week will have wound care visiting us on M/W/F, a surgeon's post-op office visit on Tuesday, and some physical therapy visits (either two or three times). Maybe, if we're able, a tiny bit of Amazon Christmas shopping, too.

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