Sunday, December 03, 2017

Day 14 ~ Room 401, 8am

   Ran into another challenge yesterday that was unexpected: Some of Bob's important electrolyte levels are very low! So yesterday they started him on IV potassium, magnesium and sodium. This morning they're continuing the IV electrolytes, but he is also now taking them orally every 4 hours. They draw his blood from his Central Line (they also refer to it as his "IJ", Internal-Jugular) and send it off to the lab every four hours to check the levels and then adjust quantities he is receiving accordingly.

   With his electrolytes so low, they didn't work on sitting Bob up in the bed yesterday. The hopes are that today he'll be less weak and will be able to do so. As soon as I walked in this morning, he asked me if I brought his tennis shoes, because he wants to go walking outside today. I told him when he gets to walking, he can go out in his sock feet to start. He still wants his shoes by the bed so they can be there when he's ready to go.

   Bob's been able to take much less pain medication. He can go several hours without any narcotics, unless they're doing a wound-vac dressing change. But he's still very confused. Today he wants to know why he can't see his feet, and asks me repeatedly if he still has feet, because he wants to go walking soon. He also saw me on my phone, so he asked for his phone (I've been waiting for that request!). When I handed it over, he told me it must be broken. He couldn't understand it had to be turned on first. We'll try again another time.

*Edit 10am: Bob's now using his cellphone to update the roster of his fantasy football team. His clear-headedness is returning by leaps and bounds!

Next Steps?
   I'll be meeting with the social worker today to discuss next steps. I want to be sure everything's in place (inpatient facility, etc) before Bob tries to run out of this hospital's front door. 🤣
He asked for his glasses to see the TV. Yay!

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