Monday, December 11, 2017

Day 22 ~ Room 125, 3pm

Wound-Vac Dressing Change #6 
   Great news! Bob's wound is shortening/closing VERY nicely! No pictures here (as promised), but the measurements below show the improvement over the past 4 days:
   *Dressing change #6 (12/11, today): 18.5cm long x 7cm wide x 1.7cm deep
   *Dressing change #5 (12/7, Thur): 20.5cm long x 7.2cm wide x 1.7cm deep

   Removal of the sponge (right at the beginning) and re-initiating the negative pressure suction (right at the end) are the two most painful parts of the process, which takes about 30-45 minutes total. Bob experiences so much pain each time. Can't wait for this wound to close up.
The items required for the dressing change.

Physical Therapy
   Bob's still somewhat weak, but is building up his endurance and increasing strength. Today they OK'd him to walk without a walker, as long as he is being "supervised"! I visited him at PT and snapped a few pics to share...
His trusty vac-pac bag hanging over his shoulder and 
his vacuum tubing hanging around his neck.

Didn't think about the photo angle - 
surviving sepsis apparently leads to duck feet...

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