Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Day 16 ~ Room 401, 6pm

Lung Update: 
   The congestion in Bob's right lung is almost gone! Hoping soon his breathing treatments won't be needed as frequently (every 4 hours). The audible coarseness in his left lung is all gone, and in the right lung is extremely faint.
Not many more of these treatments left to do!

   There's so many things our bodies do automatically each day without a second thought. Today I watched Bob working on re-training his weakened muscles how to stand up again, without any assistance. He tried a few times before he succeeded, and when I think back to just 13 days ago, I'm still in shock as to how grave his condition was and how quickly he's coming back. I promise I won't post a video of every little accomplishment he makes in therapy, but this particular achievement was a big deal, for him, for me and for his caregivers; he really, really wants to be walking around very soon!

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