Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Day 16 ~ Room 401, noon

   A huge part of Bob's rehabilitation will be his ability to independently complete his ADL's, which are Activities of Daily Living. Things we do without even thinking each day, like getting out of bed, taking a shower, brushing our teeth, putting on clothes, etc. With the negative pressure wound vac dressing, he's not permitted to fully submerse under water, so instead he had a warmed shower cap with shampoo and conditioner massaged into his scalp for 5 minutes, and then a complete head-to-toe scrub down this morning. He was even able to brush his own teeth, with only a minimal hand tremor compared to yesterday. Even with the improving steadiness of his hands today, they decided to have a nurse handle the razor and shave his face. He said he feels human again.

No more IJ (Internal Jugular) Central Line:
   What was once a direct portal into a major blood vessel that literally pumped life saving antibiotics into Bob's body, is now just scars from three sutures. Each day he is less tethered.

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