Saturday, December 09, 2017

Day 20 ~ Room 125, 6pm

Plum Tuckered Out 
   Please continue to keep Bob in your thoughts. He's having to work hard to regain strength and endurance and gets tired so easily. It's difficult for him to have to spend his days realizing how weak he is from his sepsis and ICU stay. He hates having to sit waiting in his wheelchair for a transporter to come and bring him from therapy back to his room. And he's becoming frustrated at having to constantly depend on assistance from somebody else to get out of bed, use the bathroom, etc. It's hard to not be independent. I continue to encourage him and remind him how every day he's making great strides, and he'll be back at home before he knows it.

He's slowly regaining an appetite.

Thanks to everyone for your continued support and good wishes!

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