Friday, January 19, 2018

Day 61

Nothing but Good Stuff
   *Today is the end of the first week Bob has been back to work. He has stayed at the office for anywhere from 4 to 7 hours each day! When he begins to have some abdominal cramping and aching, he leans back in his desk chair (semi-reclines) and is also taking walking breaks every hour or so to change from a sitting position. He's quite sore and tired when he gets back home, and sighs a big sigh of relief when he lays back in his hospital bed. But he's a real trooper and I'm very proud of his determination!
2018 selfie taken in front of a white board at work.

   *I do his dressing change each morning after his shower, and he's very meticulous now about documenting daily wound measurements. BIG news...the depth of his wound now measures ZERO, because the wound bed has filled in and meets up to the level of his skin! Now just waiting for the length and width to close up completely.
(click to enlarge)
For the metrically challenged, here's a healing comparison in inches:
Today (1/19/18): 3.7" long0.75" wide 0" deep
Day #8 (11/27/17): 8" long x 3" wide 2" deep

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