Friday, January 05, 2018

Day 47

Sayonara, sponges!
   After a visit with Bob's primary doctor yesterday, and his surgeon today, the consensus is no infection, but rather just sloughing of some dead tissue (gross, I know). In fact, today his surgeon said he sees epithelial tissue growing around the inside edges, so NO MORE VACUUM DRESSINGS! Bob still has an open defect, but it is now less than 0.5cm deep, a little shorter than 14cm long and fewer than 2.5cm wide. We'll be doing daily gauze dressing changes from now on (and more frequently, when needed) and using topical antibiotic ointment in the wound bed. Surgeon told us the final scar could take up to one year to totally close and fill in to be completely level with Bob's existing skin! But hopefully he won't have to wear continuous dressings for more than the next 2 to 3 months.

    We celebrated Bob's freedom from "the leash" and went out to lunch together today. He's steadily increasing the number of hours he can spend in a vertical sitting position, defying the odds and continuing to improve each and every day.
~Out to lunch at Apollo's Diner~
Texting with the home health care nurse to let her know 
doctor ordered discontinuation of vacuum treatment!

1 comment:

  1. Great Great News. Congratulations!
    Excellent choice for a hardy meal!
    Why couldn't the Apollo have been there when we worked right next store?
