Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Day 51

Returning back to "normal":
   Today Bob and I visited his office to get paperwork arranged for his return to work. He's starting back tomorrow (Wed, 1/10) to try things out, to see how many hours he can comfortably work while being "vertical", and to start catching up on what he's missed over the past almost two months. We'll see how he does. Of course he'll have to build up his endurance and stamina to working full-time hours again, but mentally he needs to get back into a groove of schedule and purpose, and this will be the start.
   As the home health care nurse visited our house today to do Bob's final wound assessment and complete his official discharge, she reminded him that his body is not yet completely healed (he does still have an open wound that gets a dressing change every day), that he needs to avoid large crowds and people who appear to be sick, and remember that when he feels tired or sore, to listen to his body and not overdo it. 
   Note: Today Bob wore the T-shirt that Jessica & Bruce gave him for Christmas!
~ Visiting with friends at Aeronix today ~

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